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How to promote college cultural diversity

In the past decade or so, the barriers of global communication have been trampled in more ways than one and it is not only due to the successful advent of social media and mobile devices. People from various cultures, religions, ethnicities, ethics and languages have come together to work together with mutual trust, understanding and cooperation.

However, time and again, several individuals and groups from other cultures are often hammered by host nations for their backgrounds and other native aspects especially at colleges. There will always be good and bad times when it concerns this but that doesn’t mean we cannot look past those adversities for a more understanding lifestyle.

Let us see how the blockades of college cultural diversity can be brought down:

1. Do not discriminate others

Students from foreign may be able to communicate with the ones of the host nation with an accent, might have a different greeting gesture or even have an unusual eating habit, but that does not mean that we remark or insult their culture. Their own ethics and morals are something that they live by with pride and integrity, which if we approach in derogation would insult them, their family and their state. We must play our part to abstain from this lowly behaviour as best as we can.

2. Do not resort to over-generalization

A common example of this would be against Muslims or people who practice the religion of Islam. Most of the western professional media outlets make headlines of how Islamist terrorists are posing a threat to every citizen in the world and because of this, the common Muslim society are subjected to slander and humiliation especially at colleges and universities. The foundation of which Islam stands on, that is the Holy Quran, condemns such vile behaviour. If that is true then why do this? Answer: We should not! Just because a select few do things that are harmful doesn’t mean that the rest are like them as well.

3. Be modest, positive and sensitive

Remember, your foreign visitors might not initially approve of your vocabulary, gestures, and habits – for all things considered, it may seem weird or abhorrent to them. In cases such as these, it is wise to remain down to earth, positive and emphatic most of the time just so they can reach out to you without fear or confusion. This is a fundamentally great way to open doors to friendship and respect.

4. Be cooperative

It never hurts to help does it? Well if you believe that than you most certainly understand the makings of a great samaritan. Don’t shy away from assisting your outer land classmates whenever they are in need of help to get around the place that they are now in. Whether it is helping them carry their books, working on a science project together or even helping them solve difficult questions in class, it does the soul proud that you contributed as a caring member of society to another.

5. Abstain from racism

African American, Asian, Middle Eastern or German, no one deserves to be a target of racism. As a matter of fact, up until this day, some American students like to throw out crude and disdainful remarks especially those that are “blacks” and “Nazis”. There are over quite a lot of online videos, pictures and gifs that are constantly making their mark on these. It is really disrespectful and completely hurtful to reinforce something from the past.

6. Treat their culture with respect

You do not have to appreciate everything that foreign students do at colleges such as celebrating Chinese New Year, offering prayers five times a day, or even Hanukah but if you extend to respect their decisions, it will do them a world of good.

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